Web SMS - Features/Benefits

Start sending SMS in 2 minutes

Here are just some of our award winning Web SMS features & benefits:



FREE Trial

Open up a FREE account with us in 2 minutes and you get 10 FREE Credits to trial our system out with no commitment or cost at all.

FREE Keyword

Use this to collect your customer’s mobile numbers. For example, print "text FOOD to 07786200350 to receive news & offers from Jims Cafe".

You can fully configure your FREE Keyword to:
- Send out an Auto Reply Message
- Send this message from a specific Sender Name
- Include a link to a website
- Forward all inbound texts to specific email addresses or server

Secure 128bit Encrypted Security

All data sent to and from our systems is encrypted. Look for the "yellow padlock" icon on all pages as you sign-up and log in.

Personalised Sender Name

Your messages arrive on handsets from the name of your company. This can be changed for every message sent e.g. ‘Message receive from Sony’

Unlimited Groups

You can create as many groups or campaigns of numbers as you like.

Add Numbers Easily

You can manually add numbers, cut and paste them from other programs (e.g. Excel, Word etc) or import an Excel or CSV file.

Mail Merge

You can import up to 6 fields of custom information and mail merge these into your text message to create unique personalised texts.

Delivery Reporting

You can track which messages have been delivered and which numbers are invalid or discontinued.

Customer Profiling

Profile which customers receive your promotion based on your own criteria.

Template Messaging

Create your own message templates for easy use.

600+ Character Messages

Send longer messages containing over 600 characters.


Send your texts at a specific time and date.

Receive Replies

If you wish to receive replies then you need a Dedicated Inbound Number.

All text replies are then automatically forwarded to your email address and stored for future use in your Private Inbox.

Private Inbox

All incoming texts are stored in your Inbox which contains the mobile number, message and time and date of receipt. This can then be exported to Excel.

Email Notifications

All incoming texts are immediately sent to your nominated email address, where they can be replied to back to the handset just like any other email.

Auto Reply

Enables you to set an auto reply to anyone that texts you - e.g. a welcome message or any other details.

Create Numerous Keywords

If you have one of our Dedicated Inbound Numbers you can create multiple Keywords (e.g. Sales, Help, Brochure etc.) and then assign different options for each Keyword.

Enable WAP PUSH Messaging

By enabling WAP PUSH on your account you can send downloadable files (e.g. ringtones, wallpapers etc.)

Multiple Email Aliases

Add other peoples email addresses to your account and allow them to use our ‘Email to SMS’ service.

Group Forwarding From Mobile

Send messages from your own mobile directly to a pre-assigned group on your account.

Mobile Message Forwarding

All inbound messages can now be immediately forwarded to your own mobile.

Credit Notification Thresholds

Set your Credit Warning messages to at thresholds that suit your individual level of activity.

Fully Configure Our API

Configure our API for your systems so you can send & receive messages directly from your server or website.